CTC Nexus Overview
IMPORTANT: There are two separate installers available for CTC Nexus: 1) the “single user” installer and 2) the
“multi-user” installer. Both of these installers will be discussed in this document. The “single user” installer allows you
to install and run the software without requiring you to have administrative privileges on the computer, however, only
the user who ran the installer will see and can use the software. Other users on the same computer will each have to
install the software for themselves. The “multi-user” installer requires administrative privileges to install it on the
computer, but then any user who logs into the computer can use the software.
IMPORTANT: All products available from CTC Software are available in “single user” and “multi-user” types,
however you must only use one of these types on any single computer. You may not, for example, have the multi-user
Nexus software installed and the single user CTC BIM Suites software installed on the same computer at the same time.
WARNING: Installing a multi-user installer will remove all single user installs for all users on the workstation.
While a user that had the single user version installed will still see it appear in their Apps list, the single user software
will get disabled by the multi-user installer.
The CTC Nexus software contains an extremely powerful Content Management System (CMS) to help you effectively and
efficiently manage content files, with a focus on design software content files such as for Revit or Civil 3D.
It also contains a project standards analyzer tool called Ally, as well as the Project Activity Logger which can be used to
run reports on how projects are being used, and catch problematic changes to the projects early.
General Requirements Summary
The single user installer DOES NOT need to be run by someone who is logged in with administrative privileges on the
computer to which the software is being installed. The multi-user installer DOES need to be run by someone who is
logged in with administrative privileges.
Revit and Civil 3D Workstations
In accordance with Autodesk standards for addins, during the installation the user does not get to choose where the
software will be installed on their local hard drives.
The addins will get installed to folders like the following examples:
For Revit (single user installer) –