CTC Nexus
Installation and Configuration Guide
Project Activity Logger
CTC Nexus Suite Installation and
Configuration Guide
April 15, 2024
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General Requirements Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Revit and Civil 3D Workstations .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Upgrading the Software ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Workstation Installation ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Standard Interactive Installation Using the Single User Setup Program ............................................................................ 5
Standard Interactive Installation Using the Multi-User Setup Program ........................................................................... 10
Custom Installation (Using Command-Line Parameters) .................................................................................................. 15
Silent Installation........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Turning Off Specific Features During Silent Installs ...................................................................................................... 15
Updating the Software ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Correcting Invalid Autodesk Configurations for CMS ........................................................................................................ 17
Configuring Project Activity Logger ................................................................................................................................... 18
Launching CMS ................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Detecting the Version Installed ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Digitally Signed Code ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
CTC Certificate Installer Utility .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Managing the Revit Ribbon Tab Used ............................................................................................................................... 22
Managing the Contact Support Button Visibility ............................................................................................................... 24
Workstation Uninstallation ................................................................................................................................................ 25
Using Apps ......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Silent Uninstallation Using a Command Line .................................................................................................................... 26
CTC Nexus Suite Installation and
Configuration Guide
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CTC Nexus Overview
IMPORTANT: There are two separate installers available for CTC Nexus: 1) the “single user” installer and 2) the
“multi-user” installer. Both of these installers will be discussed in this document. The “single user” installer allows you
to install and run the software without requiring you to have administrative privileges on the computer, however, only
the user who ran the installer will see and can use the software. Other users on the same computer will each have to
install the software for themselves. The “multi-user” installer requires administrative privileges to install it on the
computer, but then any user who logs into the computer can use the software.
IMPORTANT: All products available from CTC Software are available in “single user” and “multi-user” types,
however you must only use one of these types on any single computer. You may not, for example, have the multi-user
Nexus software installed and the single user CTC BIM Suites software installed on the same computer at the same time.
WARNING: Installing a multi-user installer will remove all single user installs for all users on the workstation.
While a user that had the single user version installed will still see it appear in their Apps list, the single user software
will get disabled by the multi-user installer.
The CTC Nexus software contains an extremely powerful Content Management System (CMS) to help you effectively and
efficiently manage content files, with a focus on design software content files such as for Revit or Civil 3D.
It also contains a project standards analyzer tool called Ally, as well as the Project Activity Logger which can be used to
run reports on how projects are being used, and catch problematic changes to the projects early.
General Requirements Summary
The single user installer DOES NOT need to be run by someone who is logged in with administrative privileges on the
computer to which the software is being installed. The multi-user installer DOES need to be run by someone who is
logged in with administrative privileges.
Revit and Civil 3D Workstations
In accordance with Autodesk standards for addins, during the installation the user does not get to choose where the
software will be installed on their local hard drives.
The addins will get installed to folders like the following examples:
For Revit (single user installer)
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Configuration Guide
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For Revit (multi-user installer)
For Civil 3D (single user installer)
For Civil 3D (multi-user installer)
Where %AppData% is the user’s personal roaming folder and %ProgramData% is the ProgramData folder (typically
This folder will also contain key files for CMS (single user installer):
%AppData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite\CMS
This folder will also contain key files for CMS (multi-user installer):
%ProgramData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite\CMS
The following folders will also contain files needed by the CTC Software suites:
%AppData%\CTC Software
C:\Users\Public\CTC Software
C:\Users\Public\CTC Software\License Settings
Upgrading the Software
When upgrading a workstation to a new release, typically manually uninstalling an old version is NOT required. Running
the latest setup is all that should normally be needed. It will replace the previous version with the new version.
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Configuration Guide
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Workstation Installation
Standard Interactive Installation Using the Single User Setup Program
A standard installation simply involves running the interactive setup program, accepting all of the default values. This
setup can be installed by any user, whether they have Administrative privileges or not, but it will only install the
software for that one user. To install the software for multiple users on the same computer requires Administrative
privileges, requires using the Multi-User setup program instead, and is discussed in the next section.
Double-click the installation CTCNexusSuiteSingleUserSetup.msi file to begin the installation process. First, you should
see a screen that looks like this:
Click the Next button.
NOTE: At this point if Revit or Civil 3D is running, you will be required to shut them down before you can proceed.
NOTE: At this point if there is conflicting CTC Software installed, you will be told it needs to be uninstalled. Most of the
time the installer can uninstall them for you if you happen to have administrative privileges on the computer. If not, an
administrator must uninstall them before you can proceed. CTC does have updates to all products that will work with
this installer, as needed.
Once all prerequisites have been met, the next screen will appear:
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This is the license agreement screen. In order to be able to move forward with the installation, you must read the
software license agreement and then click the “I accept the terms in the license agreement” option. You will then be
allowed to click the “Next” button, which needs to be done to proceed with the installation.
The next screen lets you control which components are installed. If you choose the “Complete” option, all the
components in this setup will be installed for you. If you choose the “Custom” option, you will have the ability to turn
on or off each component, as desired:
When the Custom option is selected, clicking the Next button, by default, as is the case with the normal “Complete”
option, we can see that all products will be installed:
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Configuration Guide
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To turn off a product, click the dropdown button next to it and select the “This feature will not be available” choice. For
example, if we want to turn off (select to not install) the PAL component, we would click the down arrow button next to
it (seen above), then:
Once “This feature will not be available” choice is selected, PAL will be marked as not to be installed.
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Configuration Guide
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In this example, moving forward all the components except PAL will be installed.
Next is the standard confirmation screen. It provides one last chance to cancel this process without anything being
Click the “Next” button to proceed. The screen during the actual installation should look like this:
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Configuration Guide
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A file called CTCInstallLog.txt can be found in the installation folder once the setup completes.
%AppData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite
Checking that log can be useful when verifying something like a silent installation (discussed below) worked correctly.
When the installation is complete, the final screen should look like this:
Click the “Finish” button to complete the installation process.
If the “Launch CMS” checkbox option is selected, the CMS tool will be opened. If the “Read the Installation and
Configuration Guide” is selected, this document will be displayed.
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Configuration Guide
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Standard Interactive Installation Using the Multi-User Setup Program
A standard installation simply involves running the interactive setup program, accepting all of the default values, and
then starting up Revit. This setup can only be installed if the user has Administrative privileges on the computer. It
will install the software for all users that login to the computer. To install the software without requiring Administrative
privileges on the computer requires running the Single User installer instead, which is discussed in the previous section.
That installer will only install the software for the current user who runs that setup.
Double-click the installation CTCNexusSuiteMultiUserSetup.msi file to begin the installation process. First, you should
see a screen that looks like this:
Click the Next button.
NOTE: At this point if Revit or Civil 3D is running, you will be required to shut them down before you can proceed.
NOTE: At this point if there is conflicting CTC Software installed, you will be told it needs to be uninstalled. Most of the
time the installer can uninstall them for you if you happen to have administrative privileges on the computer. If not, an
administrator must uninstall them before you can proceed. CTC does have updates to all products that will work with
this installer, as needed.
Once all prerequisites have been met, the next screen will appear:
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This is the license agreement screen. In order to be able to move forward with the installation, you must read the
software license agreement and then click the “I accept the terms in the license agreement” option. You will then be
allowed to click the “Next” button, which needs to be done to proceed with the installation.
The next screen lets you control which components are installed. If you choose the “Complete” option, all the
components in this setup will be installed for you. If you choose the “Custom” option, you will have the ability to turn
on or off each component, as desired:
When the Custom option is selected, clicking the Next button, by default, as is the case with the normal “Complete”
option, we can see that all products will be installed:
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Configuration Guide
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To turn off a product, click the dropdown button next to it and select the “This feature will not be available” choice. For
example, if we want to turn off (select to not install) the PAL component, we would click the down arrow button next to
it (seen above), then:
Once “This feature will not be available” choice is selected, PAL will be marked as not to be installed.
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In this example, moving forward all the components except PAL will be installed.
Next is the standard confirmation screen. It provides one last chance to cancel this process without anything being
Click the “Next” button to proceed. The screen during the actual installation should look like this:
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Configuration Guide
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A file called CTCInstallLog.txt can be found in the installation folder once the setup completes.
%ProgramData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite
Checking that log can be useful when verifying something like a silent installation (discussed below) worked correctly.
When the installation is complete, the final screen should look like this:
Click the “Finish” button to complete the installation process.
If the “Launch CMS” checkbox option is selected, the CMS tool will be opened. If the “Read the Installation and
Configuration Guide” is selected, this document will be displayed.
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Configuration Guide
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Custom Installation (Using Command-Line Parameters)
IMPORTANT: For any installer action to be successful, you must make sure ALL running instances of Revit, Civil 3D and
AutoCAD are shut down. Any running instance of these may prevent the action from working correctly.
Silent Installation
The msi installers for the workstations support performing silent installations. A silent installation does not show any
dialogs on the screen during the install.
IMPORTANT: While a non-silent (interactive) installation of CTC Nexus will cleanly remove older conflicting products
which had separate installers, this is not the case for a silent installation. If you plan to do a silent installation of CTC
Nexus, CTC Software strongly recommends uninstalling any old conflicting products first. While if you are an
administrator on the computer when the silent installation of CTC Nexus is run, it will render the old products inactive,
they will remain on the Apps list for the computer. It is much cleaner to uninstall the old products first before installing
CTC Nexus silently. The old products can be uninstalled silently as well. Uninstalling old products is not necessary if
simply upgrading to a newer version of the same product.
A silent installation is accomplished by using the command-line parameter: /q
For example, the command to install the software silently would be one of these:
Single user installer: msiexec /i CTCNexusSuiteSingleUserSetup.msi /q
Multi-user installer: msiexec /i CTCNexusSuiteMultiUserSetup.msi /q
IMPORTANT: By choosing to do a silent installation, you are automatically agreeing to the software license agreement.
The silent installation may take a minute or so to complete.
Turning Off Specific Features During Silent Installs
By default, as is consistent with the interactive installer, all features will be installed when doing a silent installation.
However, individual features can be turned off during silent installs as well, using additional command-line parameters.
So for example, if during the silent installation we want to not install Ally and also not install Project Activity Logger, we
would give a command like the following:
Single user installer example: msiexec /i CTCNexusSuiteSingleUserSetup.msi /q deselect_ally=1 deselect_pal=1
Multi-user installer example: msiexec /i CTCNexusSuiteMultiUserSetup.msi /q deselect_ally=1 deselect_pal=1
IMPORTANT: If you want to silently add or remove a feature after the software has already been installed, you must
silently uninstall the software and silently reinstall it with different command-line arguments. Running a repair or re-
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Configuration Guide
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running the installer with a command-line like that above, but with different parameters, will NOT change which
features are installed.
Updating the Software
When updating a workstation to a new release of the software, typically uninstalling an old version is NOT required.
Running the latest setup is all that should be needed.
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Correcting Invalid Autodesk Configurations for CMS
As of the 2025 releases of Revit, AutoCAD and Civil 3D, Autodesk has significantly changed how addins must be created.
As part of this change, at least for the initial releases of the 2025 products, a configuration file deployed with the
Autodesk products must be changed in order for the CMS product to be able to communicate with the Autodesk
In many cases the CTC Nexus Suite installer can fix these Autodesk configuration files automatically during installation.
But in some cases, it is possible the installer cannot fix these files. This is most often due to permissions issues during
If the CMS application tells you that you need to modify these configuration files (“See the CTC Nexus Suite Installation
and Configuration Guide to correct invalid configurations for the following products:), CTC has provided a command-
line tool to make this change for you:
This tool can be run silently from a script, for example. It is found under the “Support Files” folder where the software
was installed. For example:
Single User Installer: %AppData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite\Support Files\AddinConfigRepair
Multi-User Installer: %ProgramData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite\Support Files\AddinConfigRepair
IMPORTANT: This tool MUST be run with elevated privileges, e.g. “As Administrator,” in order to update the
Autodesk configuration files, because the configuration files themselves are located within the Program Files folder.
Running the executable with the /? command-line parameter will show you the available parameters. No parameters
should be required for a successful result, but you can do things with parameters like specify where the log file should
be created.
The default log file CTC_Addin_Config_Repair_Log.txt will attempt to be created in the same folder as the program
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Configuration Guide
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Configuring Project Activity Logger
If you have a license for the Project Activity Logger (PAL) component of Nexus, you will need to configure it so that PAL
knows to send the project activity data to your CTC account.
If PAL is not configured, it will be dormant.
To configure PAL, you must login to the CTC portal (at https://ctcsoftware.com) as an organization administrator.
Once logged in, click on the PROJECTS tab, and then click on the Settings option on the side:
Once on the settings page, click on the DOWNLOAD CONFIG button at the bottom.
This will generate a custom PALConfig.json file with your account information in it, and will start the download for it.
Once the PALConfig.json file is downloaded, you must copy it to the following folder on each computer for which you
want to capture activity data:
C:\Users\Public\CTC Software\License Settings
Once the PALConfig.json file is in this folder, the PAL tool can start sending project activity data to your account on the
CTC Software portal.
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Configuration Guide
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Launching CMS
CMS can be launched by the user from either the Start menu (under the CTC Software folder):
Or from the desktop directly:
CMS can also be launched from within Revit, from the ribbon:
Detecting the Version Installed
A text file called "SuiteVersion.txt" with only the software version (e.g. "25.0") in it can be found in the installation
Single user installer example: %AppData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite\CMS\SuiteVersion.txt
Multi-user installer example: %ProgramData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite\CMS\SuiteVersion.txt
The contents of this file may be useful for easily checking to see which version is installed via a script.
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Digitally Signed Code
All CTC Express Tools add-ins are digitally signed. The MSI setup programs from CTC will automatically install the CTC
digital certificate file into the Windows Trusted Publishers certificates section for the computer.
If the CTC add-ins are deployed using another method, such as if embedded in an Autodesk deployment, the CTC
certificate will NOT automatically get installed into Windows, and the user will be prompted to allow the CTC add-in to
load the first time they launch the Autodesk product.
The CTC digital certificate file, CTCCodeSigningCertificate.cer, can be found in the main installation folder:
Single user installer example: %AppData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite
Multi-user installer example: %ProgramData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite
This file can be added to the Trusted Publisher’s store in any normal manner, for example via Group Policy.
CTC Certificate Installer Utility
CTC also provides a small utility to add the CTC Certificate to Windows, which can be used for non-MSI deployments.
This program is called CTCCertificateInstaller.exe and is located in the same folder as the certificate file, as seen above.
IMPORTANT: For this program to work, the CTCCodeSigningCertificate.cer certificate file must be in the same folder
as this program.
In order for this program to install the certificate such that it will work for all users who login to the computer, it must be
run with the highest privileges (e.g. run “As Administrator”). If it is not run “As Administrator” it will only install the
certificate for the currently logged in user.
When run as a regular user, a window appears when complete showing this:
In this case, when the current user starts up the Autodesk product(s), no messages from Autodesk will interrupt the
startup process for any CTC products. However, if another user logs into this machine, they will see the dialog asking
what to do with the signed add-in that was found, as seen above.
When the program is run “As Administrator”, a window appears when complete showing this:
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In this case, regardless of who logs into the computer, the Autodesk product for the add-ins will open smoothly, without
asking the user what to do.
The CTCCertificateInstaller.exe program supports the following command-line parameters:
/Q quiet. In quiet mode, no dialog window is ever displayed.
/L Log file location. If a log file is specified, the results seen in the example dialogs above will be written to a new text
file specified, overwriting any previous file that may have been there previously.
CTCCertificateInstaller.exe /Q /L “C:\My Folder\My Cert Installer Log File.txt
(The /Q and /L may be lowercase)
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Configuration Guide
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Managing the Revit Ribbon Tab Used
The settings for ribbon button icon appearance, including on which Revit ribbon tab they appear, are stored in the text
file ending in Icon Settings.txt in this folder:
Single user installer: %AppData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite\CMS Common Files
Multi-user installer: %ProgramData%\CTC Software\CTC Nexus Suite\CMS Common Files
This file will not appear until Revit is started the first time after the software is installed. These settings will apply
regardless of which version of Revit is launched, and will not be overwritten if an updated version of the software is
The default file looks like this:
For example, this setting:
puts the buttons on the default Add-Ins tab, and appears this way in Revit:
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Configuration Guide
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Configuration Guide
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Managing the Contact Support Button Visibility
The Contact Support button can be found on the Revit ribbon:
The first time Revit is run with a CTC suite installed, a configuration file is created which controls the visibility of this
C:\Users\Public\CTC Software\Suite Settings\Contact Support Settings.xml
Which looks like this:
As some organizations may want to control how support for Revit users is handled (e.g. internally) this tool can be
turned off.
Changing the highlighted value to: false
will prevent this button from being visible in either the ribbon or from within the tools.
If this file is deployed to Revit workstations before the first time Revit is run with a CTC suite installed, the deployed file
will be used. Errors in the file will result in the button being displayed, which is the default behavior.
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Configuration Guide
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Workstation Uninstallation
Nexus can be uninstalled using the standard method of using the Apps tool built into Windows.
Using Apps
Click Start / Settings:
Click on Apps:
Search for: CTC
Then select the Nexus result:
Then select the Uninstall choice to begin the uninstallation process.
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Configuration Guide
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Silent Uninstallation Using a Command Line
You can give a command like the following to uninstall the software from a workstation:
Single user installer: msiexec /x CTCNexusSuiteSingleUserSetup.msi /q
Multi-user installer: msiexec /x CTCNexusSuiteMultiUserSetup.msi /q
This could be executed from a script or possibly pushed out via a group policy.
IMPORTANT: The original msi file used to install the software must be in the current working directory when this
command is executed, or the path to it must be explicitly specified in the command line.
Note that the silent uninstall may take a full minute or two to finish.